Paving Project Update
Hello Avila resident,
Your Board is happy to announce that phase two of the road resurfacing project is underway and paving began April 8th, 2019. The roads that are not being resurfaced at this time will be taken care of in the third and final phase of this project.
Following the rain delay yesterday, there has been another change to our schedule. Below is the work schedule as we know it to be at this time:
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Begin paving the inbound side of the following streets:
- Candeleda de Avila
- Madres de Avila
- Abastros de Avila
- Zurraquin de Avila
- Brieva de Avila
- Villarreal de Avila (loop excluded as no resurfacing is needed)
Friday, April 12, 2019
Begin paving the outbound side of the following streets:
- Taray de Avila
- Talavera de Avila
- Arevalo de Avila
- Berrocales de Avila/Villalenda de Avila
- Almanzor de Avila
Monday, April 15, 2019
Both the inbound and outbound lanes of Avila Boulevard (Club side) will be paved from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM.
Also, paving will begin on the inbound side of the following streets:
- Taray de Avila
- Talavera de Avila
- Arevalo de Avila
- Berrocales de Avila/Villalenda de Avila
- Almanzor de Avila
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Begin paving the outbound side of Guisando de Avila, close windows, and begin clean-up of the area.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Begin paving the inbound side of Guisando de Avila, continue clean-up of the area.
Important Tips
Please read the following information to avoid any damage to your car, driveways, and the newly resurfaced roads:
- Turn off your sprinkler system before 5:00 A.M. on the days your street is scheduled to be paved. Please do not turn your sprinklers back on until the day AFTER the work on your street is done.
- Do not park on either side of the street during paving.
- Cones will be placed on the center lines of the street and in the driveways on the side of the street that is being paved that day. Please park your car on a different street by 8:00 A.M. on the days your street is being paved or plan to stay home for several hours. When the paving is dry and safe to drive on, the cones will be removed.
- If you drive in wet paving or allow your pets or children to walk on it, you will get black tar on your car or feet. This tar is hard to remove, and you will be responsible for cleaning. Neither the APOA nor the Contractor is responsible for any material that gets on vehicles, feet, or pets.
- Please do not turn your vehicle’s wheels while the vehicle is not in motion on the microseal surface. Turning the wheels will cause damage to the new surface.
- There will be flagmen at each intersection that is being worked on. Please follow their instructions. If you have a question, please ask them.
The streets that are being paved will be posted on the electronic reader board at the Lake Magdalene entrance, and reminders will be emailed on the day before your street is scheduled to be paved. Please note the paving schedule may also change to accommodate pick-up of garbage, recycling and yard waste.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to maintain our beautiful community.
Avila Property Owners Association