The purpose of the Avila Hurricane Preparedness page is to provide residents with important information to prepare their homes before a potential storm and to provide critical information to manage the storm’s aftermath. Please refer to news stations and elected officials to determine the best needs for you and your family and also for more up-to-date information.
Hurricane Preparedness & Tips
June 1st marks the start of Hurricane Season, which will run through November 30th. It is important to remember that storms may still form earlier or later than the official times of the season. To assist residents in being prepared this season, below are some preparedness and safety tips:
Prepare your home: Trees and shrubbery around your home should be well-trimmed so they are more wind resistant. Dead wood should also be removed from trees so they don’t become missiles. Clear loose and clogged materials from gutters and downspouts. Pool equipment, lawn furniture, garbage cans, and other loose items should be brought indoors. These items most commonly become missiles during high wind. A common precaution for pool furniture is to just throw it in the pool until winds subside. If your home is equipped with a generator, it is a good idea to have it serviced regularly to ensure they are no unknown issues with it.
Sandbags: Even though extreme flooding would be rare in Avila due to its elevation and drainage systems; sand, shovels, and sandbags are available at the maintenance lot next to the APOA Office at 16727 Valseca de Avila.
Street Flooding & Lake Overflow: Minor flooding in roadways may exist for brief periods of time during heavy rainfall. The drainage systems in Avila have been determined to be working as designed; however, this is due to the large volume of run-off temporarily backing-up at drainage sites.
Heavy rainfall could also cause the lakes and conservation areas to overflow. If you live in these areas, it is best to shut off the power breaker to any pool pumps or other ancillary equipment.
Utilities: Before, during, and after any major storm there is a chance of power interruptions and damage to above ground utilities. All utilities within the community are underground, however, outside the community they are not. Damage to lines outside the community could still cause power interruptions within Avila.
If you come across low hanging or downed power lines, do not touch them. Notify TECO of their location immediately. In the event of a power outage at your home, report the outage to TECO. Attempt to contact them via your home phone as their system automatically identifies your location by your home phone number.
Use Caution: It highly recommended that you stay off the road during heavy storms. In the event you must leave your home, use extreme caution. Be alert for low hanging or downed power lines, street flooding, and closed roadways. Do not travel down closed or flooded roadways due to not knowing what is underneath. Also, be alert for fallen trees and other debris. The flooding and heavy rainfalls may increase your sightings of snakes and other wildlife. Do not approach or try to catch them as they could be dangerous.
Subsequent rainfall and flooding are still a possibility even after a storm passes. Remain alert and vigilant.
Security: Security staff will remain on property during these storms. The Main Gate and Florida Ave Gate will remain staffed. However, it sustained winds reach 40 mph, it may be necessary to temporarily remove gate arms to prevent damage and reduce hazards. The laser bar code system will continue to read vehicle bar codes and will be monitored to prevent unauthorized entries.
In the event the gatehouse phone lines are out and you need to reach Security, call the emergency phone line. The emergency line phone number is (813) 957-0605. This is a single line so please limit your calls to this number to urgent matters involving health and safety. During the storm, other security systems including Gate Access may go down as well. Security staff will work immediately to restore any downed systems once the storm passes.
Questions: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Avila Property Owners’ Association at (813) 949-9768 or via email at [email protected].
Important Information & Resources
National Hurricane Center for forecasts and other information on storms. for preparedness and education.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Florida Division of Emergency Management
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