Proposed Rules For Resident Review and Input
To: All Avila Property Owners
Re: Seeking Resident Input On Proposed Rules
As you know, Avila is a deed restricted community and is subject to various restrictions and rules adopted by the developer in the recorded Declaration for Avila and by the Board from time to time.
Last year the Board decided to conduct a review of the existing restrictions and rules for Avila and the current needs and experience of our community and to develop a consolidated statement of rules that will be more easily available and will include any clarifications and additional provisions deemed in the best interest of the community.
This project has been undertaken, as follows:
- A Rules Committee was formed. This committee is made up of Board members and community volunteers. Their goal was to produce a draft document for consideration by the Board.
- The Board was asked to provide their input and suggestions to the Rules Committee.
- The Rules Committee held multiple meetings to produce the attached draft.
- After resident response time and review thereof, the Board will consider the adoption of the proposed Rules at a meeting scheduled for October 9, 2018.
Linked is a copy of the proposed Rules and Regulations for the Avila Property Owners Association. Please review and advise of any question, suggestions or input you may have by September 30, 2018. The Board will be meeting on October 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Avila Golf & Country Club Veranda Room to consider adoption of these proposed Rules and Regulations.
We are looking forward to hearing from our neighbors. Your assistance in this very important project is greatly appreciated.
Bob Albrecht